
5 Things I have learned in the first year of podcasting.

Podcasting. It's the new radio.

More and more entrepenuers are flocking to podcasting(myself included.) Why? Becuase it is a fantastic tool to help you engage with your audience, grow your business, and allow your personality to come through so YOUR audience gets to know YOU, and not just the services and products you sell.

 For me, I toyed around with the idea of podcasting for a full year before I finally bit the bullet and started the processing of starting my own podcast. To be honest, I wish I had done this sooner.

Starting my podcast and being able to connect with like minded people whether it be via my listeners or my guests, has been such an amazing experience. Since starting my podcast last year, there has been a couple of things I have learned that I want to share with you about my podcasting journey. 

Whether you already have a podcast, or are thinking about starting one - this blog post is for you.



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Manifesting Ritual

manifestation manifesting ritual spell | Posted Nov 17, 2019

Is there something that you are striving to manifest into existence?

A new job?

A partner?

An opportunity?

More abundance?


This simple, yet powerful ritual will give your intentions a powerful push in the manifestation process.



What you need:

Pen + Paper

Candle (white works best.)


1. Draw a line directly down the middle of the piece of paper. 

2. On the left side of the piece of paper, write down the 5 most important things you want to manifest. 

3. On the right side of the paper, write down all the reasons WHY you want those things. Go within, really sit with this. The more open and honest you are about your whys, the better off you are.

4. Place the piece of paper below the candle and light candle.

5. Close your eyes and envision your words floating up into the candle and then disappearing through the flame into the universe. Envision the things you put on the list. Hold the feeling of you would feel if all of...

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Find a place where you can sit comfortably and relax. I highly recommend you do this practice sitting up rather than laying down, and when you do it you want to have your spine aligned upright, straight and vertical (so don’t lean back in your chair… But rather sit on the edge with your back perfectly straight).

Sit in an upright position,

close your eyes,

and shift your awareness within,

focusing on your heart center.

Allow your heart to open, filling with golden light. Allowing your inner divine solar light to brightly shine within your heart center, and as you tune into this just take a few minutes to breathe, relax and become fully present in this moment now.

As you allow your heart to open, by focusing your attention within it’s center,

Tune into the tingling, warmth and glowing light within.

Allow your awareness to enter into the center of your heart,

moving deeper and deeper within with your awareness

until you feel your heart light begin to...

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5 Tools to Strengthen your Mediumship

Being a medium is a trying journey. It makes you heal relationships, beliefs, past hurts. It makes you put on your big girl panties and deal! 

My mediumship journey has been a wild ride. Some days I feel unstoppable and strongly connected to spirit, other days, I want to hide under my comforter with my eyes closed shut.

Whether you are a seasoned medium with years of experience or you are just coming into this connection you have with spirit, one thing is certain.



We are not indestructible.

We do not have all the answers.

We feel the same negative and positive emotions as anyone else.

and last but not least, when we lose someone we love, it still sucks.



And here you are. Reading this. Still wanting to strengthen your connection to the spirit world and help heal others. I commend you for your strength. 


I felt guided to write this blog because I too, am always looking to find ways that I can deepen my connection to spirit.



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The difference between a dream and a spirit visitation.

dreams mediumship spirit communication | Posted Oct 14, 2019
Most of your dreams are creations of your subconscious mind. This is where all of your beliefs, your traits, and your memories are stored. To learn more about the difference between your conscious and subconscious mind - be sure to check out my podcast episode where I dive deep into this subject. You can listen to the episode here.
When your conscious mind is asleep. Your subconscious mind begins to spin its wheels. 
In a dream, your subconscious mind has a general theme, lesson, or idea to communicate and so it selects dream characters to play out the scenario. Your subconscious selects the dream characters based on all the people you have met in your life or in past lives, (whether you consciously remember them or not doesn’t matter).
Sometimes deceased loved ones do play roles as dream characters… These are not visitation dreams. Your subconscious mind needs a loving grandmotherly figure, and so your grandmother, although deceased, plays the...
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How to practice automatic writing

Automatic writing is the process of channeling spiritual guidance and sewers directly into writing. It is an exercise and a form of channeling which many psychics, and spiritual channelers use to receive divine guidance and spiritual insight.
Automatic writing is fairly easy to do and available to anyone who has an open mind. 
For me, writing has always been a powerful tool and one that I have learned to use often. Once you learn the power of surrendering, spirit speaks to us fluently.
I believe that spirit uses automatic writing as means to give us spiritual knowledge and wisdom in a less scarier, type of way. Becoming a channel can be extremely scary to some people and can often trigger fear and rational thought which can completely defeat the purpose of divination.
There is a very natural process when you place your pen on paper with the intention to write. Creativity begins to flow naturally without clouded judgement or the ego taking its toll on...
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35 signs you are an Earth Angel

earth angel traits | Posted Sep 30, 2019

Starseeds, Lightworkers, Earth Angels...

Although all these labels have very similar characteristics, there are differences between them all. 

Regardless of what you believe yourself to be, we all are light beings with a divine connection to source energy.

In this blog post, I will discuss what an earth angel is as well as characteristics and traits that show you are an earth angel!

Before we go ahead, I want to let you know that this information is channeled with the help of my amazing spirit guide :)


Ready, let's go!

What is an Earth Angel?

An earth angel is a soul whom reincarnates as a human with a direct mission to save and nurture humanity. Earth angels are genetically programed to wake up to their souls calling at a certain point in time in order to start their mission as a light worker.

Earth Angels are considered to be light workers and many hold the same characteristics as star seeds, indigos, and empaths - but Earth Angels are souls that in the previous...

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4 Powerful exercises for Psychic Protection

We put our seatbelts on when we get into the car.
We lock the doors at night before we go to bed.
We do these things to protect ourself from things that are out of our control. 
So why wouldn't we do the same when doing any type of spiritual work?
When you open up to receive spiritual knowledge and psychic insights, you are constantly opening yourself up to both positive and negative energy. It is super important to always protect yourself and your energy of any energies that can lower your vibration and leave you feeling drained or overwhelmed.
We live in a concious and expanding universe, and when you open yourself up to obtaining higher knowledge, there is always a chance that you can run into energies that necasarrily not the best to be around. 
I am not writing this to scare you, I am writing this to let you know the importance of protecting yourself energeticially when doing this type of work.
When we open up to spirit and gain...
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8 ways you receive psychic information

For many years, the information provided about psychic sensitivities have been very misleading. TV Shows like Ghost Whisperer and Medium are amazing but don't give us a good, accurate example as to what psychic phenomena actually looks like. 
It is true what they say - we are all psychic. We all have the capability to receive psychic information and connect to spirit. Spiritual gifts are not just a handed down generational things for the selected few. 
The growth and awareness of psychic and mediumship development has slowly but surely progressed in the past decade or so. Now, in the age of technology there is a ton of information out there that debunks the mysticism of psychic phenomena. 
So where am I going with this exactly?
Simple. I'm going to talk about the different ways in which WE ALL receive psychic information. YES. ALL. OF. US.
Each and every one of us has had AT LEAST one psychic experience during the duration of...
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5 signs your third eye is opening

The third eye symbolizes an enlightened state of consciousness through which one can perceive the world and your reality. 
The third eye, also known as the brow chakra which the 7th chakra point in the human body is the gateway to psychic seeing (clairvoyance.)
When your third eye is open, you have a gateway to higher dimensions, spirit, and psychic realms. Your consciousness of the outside world is expanded and you hold a divine knowing or spiritual wisdom.
Your third eye can open naturally on its own, in its own time or you can set the intention to open it yourself! Pretty cool, eh?
Here are 10 signs your third eye is opening:
1) A feeling of detachment
When your third eye opens naturally, you might have a sense of feeling completely detached from your life and reality. When your third eye opens, you start to understand the bigger picture. You start to see the universe as a much bigger place than you originally thought possible. This is because...
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