
Am I Psychic? Develop Your Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Now!

I'm here to drop a massive truth bomb.

 WE ARE ALL PSYCHIC. It isn't just for the selected few that have been gifted with the gifts of fortune telling and speaking to those that have crossed over in this lifetime. Being psychic, intuitive, or mediumistic is not something that is passed down from generation to generation.
WE ALL HAVE THE ABILITY TO EXPAND OUR AWARENESS. Which, is exactly what being psychic is! Expanded consciousness.

Take it from me. Nobody in my family has ever claimed to be "psychic."

This spiritual gift I have was not passed down for 5 generations.

This "gift" is within all of us.

It is up to us if we want to strengthen it.


When I started diving into my spiritual and psychic development, I questioned myself ALOT. Like a whole lot. I put myself against these insane standards. Yet, through it all and my my understand of what it actually means to be "psychic" or "intuitive" I have found these 5 core ideas/tools to be the most potent and...

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Leaning into your intuiton

faith intuition | Posted Jun 09, 2022

You want to know one of the very best feelings in the world?

It is in that moment that you realize that you listened to your intuition, that quiet, calm wisdom that resides within you - and you are able to take a step back and realize that your soul had your back all along. 


It is in those moments of reassurance of truths that have been engrained within you for sometime that you begin to remember how connected you truly are to the cosmos.


As humans, we tend to want tangible proof of things that we cannot quite understand. 

We want to know the how and the why.

We desire to have all of our questions answered before deciding upon taking the leap of faith.


But what if the test all along was to simply have more faith?

What if every time your intuition whispered, you would hear it and you would listen?



So when you find yourself in front of a path that you never anticipated for yourself, 

or perhaps it is time to let go of something in...

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What Intuition Means: How To Develop Your Intuition Now

 Have you ever had a feeling that something wasn't quite right? Maybe you've been out late at night alone, or you've had a weird feeling about someone, and you don't know why?


If so, how many times has this wrong feeling been right? 


That wrong feeling is your intuition or your gut feeling.



What Intuition Means


Intuition is the ability for someone to understand something right away without thinking about it. It is what I like to call your internal guidance system.


Our intuition isn't based on logic. It isn't the result of a carefully thought-out process that can be shared or justified. Intuition simply feels normal.


What Does Intuition Have To Do With Spirituality? 

What Chakra Represents Intuition? 



The sixth chakra represents intuition. 


As previously said, being intuitive means having a sense of knowing about something; this might also entail being a medium, clairaudient,...

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This morning I woke up with an intuitive knowing that I had to talk to write about this particular subject. 

Spiritual Development.

If you are reading this right now you most likely want to strengthen your natural psychic gifts, empathic traits, intuition, mediumship, connection with your guides, ect.. ect.. And I'm glad you are here because this pep talk and these tips are going to help you.


If there is anything I can say that I am an 'expert' in, it is psychic/intuitive development. 


From the day I finally admitted to myself that I was a Psychic Medium, it took exactly 56 days for me to have my first paying client. But I'm going to let you in on a little secret... I WENT ALL IN.

Like, ALL IN.

I didn't look at this like a hobby, I looked at it like I KNEW this was supposed to be part of my journey. I committed to it, I became an engaged student. I invested in development and in mentors and teachers. I fell in love with this work and living my life...

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5 Tools to help you TRUST your Intuition


I cannot tell you how many times in my life I have heard the phrase "I had a feeling." or "I already knew that."

We have all said these statements, whether it be in our mind or out loud.

We have all had a inner niggle or a clear knowing of something and didn't listen to it for one reason or another.

Wanna know why?

Because we our naturally programmed to rationalize, correct, and critique.

Intuition comes when we need it.
It comes in so many different ways.

It can come in a feeling,
a clear knowing,
a turning of the stomach.

Intuition is Universal.
It is powerful.
It is within each and everyone of us.

The first step in developing your intuition,
is learning to trust it.


This doesn't come easy.

You have to battle your brain and your beliefs.

You have to trust feelings instead of facts.

You have to have unwavering faith.


Here are my 5 favorite tools that help you TRUST your Intuition!

1) Subliminals

Subliminal recordings have been a staple in all of my courses and...

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5 Crystals to Enhance your Intuition

We all can benefit from listening to our intuition more..

Or hearing the it's subtle whispers.

Our intuition speaks to us in many different ways.

Sometimes it's gut feelings, other times its goosebumps, and sometimes it's a feeling we cannot ignore.

Intuition comes at the speed of light, so many times we can end up missing it. 

Many times, the subtle whispers are so quiet that we hardly recognize anything worth allowing our conscious mind to absorb. Through my own journey, I have found tools, such as crystals have helped me decipher the internal messages and wisdom I receive on a daily basis, and I want to share some of favorite crystals for intuition with you!

There are many different ways we can get a better understanding of our intuition, but for this blog post, I'm going to share my favorite crystals that I use to connect with my intuition and allow it to speak to me on a higher volume setting. 


Ready? Let's go!


Moonstone is a very magical...

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You have had countless cosmic downloads, you have intuitively picked up on people and certain situations, you have felt the presence of spirit around, but you are still doubting yourself. You are still labeling things coincedences, or just labeling yourself a “really great guesser.” Why? Why are you still stuck in the phase of your spiritual awakening where you become at war with yourself and your connection to your soul, to the universe, to all that is?


I’ll tell you the answer. It is because you are still giving too much power away to your ego. Your ego is a collection of thoughts abd beliefs we carry around.


The ego is a collection of ideas we carry around.

I am what I have

I am what I do

I am my reputation

I am separate from everybody else

I am separate from god


“Ego” is the aspects of your yourself that you consider to be “you.” A perfect example of this is a brief self-inquiry assessment.


Your ego is here to...

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Find a place where you can sit comfortably and relax. I highly recommend you do this practice sitting up rather than laying down, and when you do it you want to have your spine aligned upright, straight and vertical (so don’t lean back in your chair… But rather sit on the edge with your back perfectly straight).

Sit in an upright position,

close your eyes,

and shift your awareness within,

focusing on your heart center.

Allow your heart to open, filling with golden light. Allowing your inner divine solar light to brightly shine within your heart center, and as you tune into this just take a few minutes to breathe, relax and become fully present in this moment now.

As you allow your heart to open, by focusing your attention within it’s center,

Tune into the tingling, warmth and glowing light within.

Allow your awareness to enter into the center of your heart,

moving deeper and deeper within with your awareness

until you feel your heart light begin to...

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5 Steps to strengthen your connection with your soul

Now a days, the term souls is loosely used. From soul mates, to soul searching - I can safely say that we are now living in a "soul" obsessed generation.

More and more people are quitting their jobs, packing up and traveling the world because it is what their soul guided them to do. More and more people are learning to trust the inner voice within them in order to manifest the life they have always dreamed of. 

If you are reading this, chances are you are craving for a deeper connection to yourself, to your soul. You want to tap into the universal secrets that you hold deep within yourself. 

Before we go any further - PLEASE remember that we are NOT humans having a spiritual experience. We are SOULS have a human experience.

You, my beautiful friend, have always been a soul. You have been on your journey since birth. You have endured some of your many lessons already. You have already connected in some way, shape, or form to your soul because YOU ARE READING THIS. 


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