
You are made for more.


There was a time not that long ago that I couldn't tell you my favorite things. I couldn't share with you my hobbies or how I enjoyed my free time. 


I didn't know the characteristics of myself that made me special,

or the things that made me, me.


I was merely getting by, doing all of the things I was told I should be doing, and giving all my energy and love away to everyone around me. 


I spent 30 years being this person, and yet I was total stranger to myself.


My cup was empty.


Looking back now, those sad and lonely times were the catalyst to my evolution, which then led me down the path of spiritual and personal development and healing.

To make a long story short, I started a daily meditation practice which then led me down the path to psychic and mediumship development. I started offering psychic and mediumship readings back in 2018 and then started offering psychic and mediumship development classes.

I found my purpose in showing...

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The Roots Create The Fruits

Today I hosted the first day of a 2 day weekend workshop.


I'm still processing what transpired as I type this. The healing that took place inside the sacred container was mind blowing. During the workshop, the weather in my neck of the woods began to storm. 


Rain began coming down, the whistle of the winds began to sound like sirens, and the tall trees that were right outside my window began to sway back and forth. 


I watched as the last Autumn leaves on the branches began to fall and be whisked away by the powerful force of the wind. 


I watched as the branches of my favorite Japanese Maple got pulled in all different directions. The whistle of the winds began to make me to a place of worry. 


"I hope it it's okay" I thought to myself.


After the workshop ended, I went outside to ground and made my way to the tree. Although most of the leaves had fallen, the tree itself was still intact. 

When I stood close to the...

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Someone bashed me on the internet.


I'm not quite sure how to start this blog post. Because honestly, it is sharing a side of me that leaves me feeling vulnerable. But I know I am meant to share this, and I know that my story and these tools will find their way to the person that needs them.


So here goes nothing...


Last week I decided to create a transformational TikTok. You know, the ones where the girl starts out with no makeup and then jumps or puts their hand to the screen and than you see her looking like a fxcking goddess. Yeah I did one of those. This type of content isn't usually what you would expect from me, but you know what? I wanted to give it  try and have some fun!  You can watch it here.


I had one of my followers jump on the video and say something along the lines of "WOW! This is totally egotistical for a spiritual person. I miss the old Erica!"


Initially I rolled my eyes, blessed them, then blocked them as I do with all of my hurtful comments that I...

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