
Mediumship Training Resources

Crazy... isn't it?! 

You know, the fact that at this very moment in time you are searching the internet trying to find training, or classes, or mentors, that will assist you in communicating with dead people.


I remember when I first decided to embark on this journey 5 years ago I didn’t have a clue where to start. The spiritualist movement has come in the past 200 years, but unfortunately, Psychic & Mediumship development is not a subject that is by any means popular, or mainstream.


I know for myself, I wanted to learn from not just anyone when it came to mediumship development, I wanted to learn from the best mediumship teachers out there. It took me years of searching, reading books, and finding breadcrumbs to finally find the best places as well as the best psychic mediumship teachers out there.


And now, I’m passing this information down to you in hopes that it will assist you in your psychic and mediumship development. I have put...

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A letter to my fellow medium

If there is only one thing I have learned in my 33 years of life it is to always follow your intuition. Always listen to that inner niggle. That calm inner guidance system that leaves us feeling protected, nurtured, and on the right path. That internal whisper is why I am writing this blog post. 


So let's start at square one. I'm a medium. I have the ability to connect with souls who have crossed over. As much as I enjoy being able to connect my clients to their loved ones who are no longer with us, being a medium is not always what it is cracked up to be. 


It requires a level of surrender that most people are not comfortable with. It requires you to take your faith, whatever that might be, and multiply it times ten.


Through my own personal journey, I have both loved and hated being a medium. 


I have loved seeing the reassurance in my clients eyes knowing that their loved ones are safe and okay and always with them.


I have loved...

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Ok. The fact that you are reading this blog post write now is an indication that you are either questioning the idea of mediumship or you have just realized that you are in fact a medium.

Kinda wild isn't it?

This journey you are embarking on is far more powerful than just being able to receive messages and evidence from souls that have crossed over. This journey is the path to your own soul. 

Being a medium requires a lot of personal development and healing. It requires us to surrender and to have faith. And none of these things are easy my friend!

I have a lot to say about mediumship. I can share a lot of my own personal experiences and lessons that I have learned. I can talk about how each medium has their own unique connection to spirit. I can talk about the healing that comes along with this path, and how it requires the individual to come to terms with aspects of themselves that need healing. But I won't bore you with all of that right now. That's a book that is yet to be...

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5 Tools to Strengthen your Mediumship

Being a medium is a trying journey. It makes you heal relationships, beliefs, past hurts. It makes you put on your big girl panties and deal! 

My mediumship journey has been a wild ride. Some days I feel unstoppable and strongly connected to spirit, other days, I want to hide under my comforter with my eyes closed shut.

Whether you are a seasoned medium with years of experience or you are just coming into this connection you have with spirit, one thing is certain.



We are not indestructible.

We do not have all the answers.

We feel the same negative and positive emotions as anyone else.

and last but not least, when we lose someone we love, it still sucks.



And here you are. Reading this. Still wanting to strengthen your connection to the spirit world and help heal others. I commend you for your strength. 


I felt guided to write this blog because I too, am always looking to find ways that I can deepen my connection to spirit.



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