
5 Tools to help you TRUST your Intuition


I cannot tell you how many times in my life I have heard the phrase "I had a feeling." or "I already knew that."

We have all said these statements, whether it be in our mind or out loud.

We have all had a inner niggle or a clear knowing of something and didn't listen to it for one reason or another.

Wanna know why?

Because we our naturally programmed to rationalize, correct, and critique.

Intuition comes when we need it.
It comes in so many different ways.

It can come in a feeling,
a clear knowing,
a turning of the stomach.

Intuition is Universal.
It is powerful.
It is within each and everyone of us.

The first step in developing your intuition,
is learning to trust it.


This doesn't come easy.

You have to battle your brain and your beliefs.

You have to trust feelings instead of facts.

You have to have unwavering faith.


Here are my 5 favorite tools that help you TRUST your Intuition!

1) Subliminals

Subliminal recordings have been a staple in all of my courses and...

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Ok. The fact that you are reading this blog post write now is an indication that you are either questioning the idea of mediumship or you have just realized that you are in fact a medium.

Kinda wild isn't it?

This journey you are embarking on is far more powerful than just being able to receive messages and evidence from souls that have crossed over. This journey is the path to your own soul. 

Being a medium requires a lot of personal development and healing. It requires us to surrender and to have faith. And none of these things are easy my friend!

I have a lot to say about mediumship. I can share a lot of my own personal experiences and lessons that I have learned. I can talk about how each medium has their own unique connection to spirit. I can talk about the healing that comes along with this path, and how it requires the individual to come to terms with aspects of themselves that need healing. But I won't bore you with all of that right now. That's a book that is yet to be...

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8 ways you receive psychic information

For many years, the information provided about psychic sensitivities have been very misleading. TV Shows like Ghost Whisperer and Medium are amazing but don't give us a good, accurate example as to what psychic phenomena actually looks like. 
It is true what they say - we are all psychic. We all have the capability to receive psychic information and connect to spirit. Spiritual gifts are not just a handed down generational things for the selected few. 
The growth and awareness of psychic and mediumship development has slowly but surely progressed in the past decade or so. Now, in the age of technology there is a ton of information out there that debunks the mysticism of psychic phenomena. 
So where am I going with this exactly?
Simple. I'm going to talk about the different ways in which WE ALL receive psychic information. YES. ALL. OF. US.
Each and every one of us has had AT LEAST one psychic experience during the duration of...
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Archangels and Ascended Masters for Psychic Development

When developing your spiritual gifts and connection to spirit, it is important to remember that there are powerful beings of light waiting to be called upon to help you strengthen and grow your spiritual gifts.
In my spiritual journey, I have grown to not only trust the archangels and ascended masters, but I have also learned to rely on them. I find it comforting knowing that I have souls in the spirit realm helping me guiding me, and teaching me.

So, what are Archangels?

The Archangels are the highest order of angels and are here to serve and protect all of humanity. There are thousands of archangels and all have different jobs and duties.
What and who are the Ascended Masters?
Ascended Masters are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a series of spiritual transformations originally called initiations. Some ascended masters are Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary, and...
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My love of books has fueled me most of my life. Some of my most cherished memories were sitting in my room, being totally engulfed by a great book. Since jumping on my spiritual journey – I have now more than ever relied on books to help inspire, guide, and teach me.
Below is a list of some of the best books I have read under the spirituality umbrella. 
 I hope this list will help you on your journey and to know that sometimes when we have questions; it is always an option to ‘hit the books!’
Before you go running to your local bookseller, I also wanted to share a website I came across that has saved me oodles of money in my book addiction.
It is called and I AM A FAN!!
The books on this website range from new, all the way to gently used books for a fraction of retail prices as well as FREE SHIPPING for orders over $10 or more! Say whhhhaaaaaattt.

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