
Someone bashed me on the internet.


I'm not quite sure how to start this blog post. Because honestly, it is sharing a side of me that leaves me feeling vulnerable. But I know I am meant to share this, and I know that my story and these tools will find their way to the person that needs them.


So here goes nothing...


Last week I decided to create a transformational TikTok. You know, the ones where the girl starts out with no makeup and then jumps or puts their hand to the screen and than you see her looking like a fxcking goddess. Yeah I did one of those. This type of content isn't usually what you would expect from me, but you know what? I wanted to give it  try and have some fun!  You can watch it here.


I had one of my followers jump on the video and say something along the lines of "WOW! This is totally egotistical for a spiritual person. I miss the old Erica!"


Initially I rolled my eyes, blessed them, then blocked them as I do with all of my hurtful comments that I...

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A thank you to everyone who has wronged me.



Thank you to the kid in my 7th grade class that made up a nasty rumor about me and then proceeded to tell all of the popular kids about it. The rumor and commotion around it got so bad I became suicidal and needed to be put into a mental health facility to cope with these thoughts and depression. If it weren’t for you, I would never have known how much emotional turmoil I could endure.


Thank you to the staff of my middle school that tolerated the bullying and peer abuse I was victim of. Thank you for labeling me the problem and thinking it best for me to be sent to an alternative school rather than face the problem in a diplomatic way and teach my abusers how inappropriate their actions were. If it wasn’t for your lack of action – I never would have created my strong desire to stand up for the underdog.


Thank you to the girl who stuffed a note in my locker with a stick figure of me hanging myself with the caption ‘KILL YOURSELF...

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5 ways to tap into feminine energy.

We have been brought up in a world where feminine energy was the weaker one. A world where a strong women is labeled as a tight ass or a bitch. A women who embraces her sensuality is labeled loose or a slut. A women who is an active participant in sports or physical activity is butch or a tomboy.

This culture we live in doesn't understand the power and magnitutude of the divine feminine. It laughs at it. Shakes its head in disbelief. Yet, it is hippocritial. Every single one of us was birthed from the divine feminine, through our mothers womb. Females hold an untapped potential.

We hold the power to create. 

We hold the power to receive.

We hold the power to change the world.

The energy of life is divided into both masculine and feminine. There cannot be one without the other. 

In order to manifest we need to 

1) Take action (masculine)

2) Receive (feminine)

Here are 5 ways you can tap into your feminine power:


Yes. it is that simple. embrace your...

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