
The Best Spiritual Awakening Books That You Need To Buy Now

Are you a newcomer to spirituality or a spiritual seeker? There are spiritual awakening books for everyone, no matter where you are on your spiritual path. Spiritual awakenings can take years for some people, while they can happen immediately for others. 


We all need guidance along our journey, so why not read books?

What is a spiritual awakening? 


A Spiritual Awakening is one's summon to a higher state of consciousness and mental awareness. Personal discovery and a shift in one's worldview occur due to spiritual awakening. A transformation in one's conceptual framework occurs when one experiences a spiritual awakening. 


Spirituality vs Religion


Spirituality and religion are often confused, even though they are not quite the same thing. Spirituality is an experience that goes far beyond our formal existence. In contrast, religion is an institutional belief in a specific god or gods.


This means that you can be spiritually awakened...

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The Best Spiritual Journey Books To Read Now


Spiritual journey books will help you along your journey so I am sharing some of my favorite with you! Spiritual journeys have been pursued a variety of reasons, including self-improvement, seeking inner peace, and discovering more about oneself. A spiritual journey might be a personal awakening or your quest for answers to life's most pressing concerns. 


What is a spiritual journey? 


A spiritual journey is one in which you discover who you are, what your life challenges are, and how to achieve harmony with the world around you.


What is the purpose of a spiritual journey? 


A spiritual journey is rarely about finding answers; instead, it is about asking questions repeatedly.


Signs you are being called to start your spiritual journey

  • You yearn for a place that you can call " home."
  • You're always trying to figure out what your meaning or purpose in life is.
  • You have the feeling that you have a significant journey ahead of you.
  • ...
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creating YOUR spirituality

spiritual awakening spirituality | Posted Jan 14, 2022

As exciting as it is to begin diving into your connection to the universe and getting to know your own soul,


You can EASILY get bombarded. 


There are PLENTY of opinions, plenty of opposing views, and plenty of "experts" that will tell you the way the universe works and how to manifest the life of your wildest dreams. 

So much of spirituality is based upon a persons experience or belief, rather than actual concrete facts.


When you find yourself in a place like this you have to be able to take a step back.

You have to remind yourself that the reason you chose spirituality is because you did not like the confines society and religions placed upon you.


You chose spirituality because you wanted to listen and hear the whispers of the universe. 


You chose spirituality because it's completely and totally customizable to what works for you. 


YOU get to figure out what you believe in.

YOU get to decide what lights you up and allows...

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The Spiritual Trend

spiritual awakening | Posted Nov 15, 2021

I have a genuine question to ask,


When did being 'spiritual' become a personality trait?


The more time I spend on social media, the more detached from the label of 'spiritual' I become. I have already started walking away from the label of Psychic Medium and I have to start tip toeing away from the 'spiritual' label as well because it has become more about the surface level spirituality shit than the actually power and healing that spirituality offers.


When I first experienced my awakening back in 2017, the thought of 'being spiritual' never even crossed my mind. What the fuck does 'being spiritual' entail anyway? 

Is there an open recruitment going on that I have missed?



Job Includes:

  • Work your light deck by Rebecca Campbell
  • A bundle of sage and abalone shell
  • A guided meditation that you do 1-3 times and then give up because you can't 'stop your thoughts'
  • Added everyday vocabulary including...
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Spiritual Awakening Books

Welcome. Let me start this off by letting you know I know exactly how you are feeling right now. You might be feeling lost, afraid, alone, maybe disconnected from reality.

When you hear the term 'spiritual awakening' people often think it is like running through a field of wildflowers with the sun beaming on your face. Most will believe or assume that a spiritual awakening or a "dark night of the soul" is something along the lines of a quarter life or mid-life crisis. They will roll their eyes and use quotation marks when talking about a "spiritual awakening." They will make assumptions, pass judgements, and never be able to comprehend what a true spiritual awakening entails.


But you and I, we know better.

We've been endured it. We sat in rooms filled with people while we felt utterly alone. We sat on the other side of the table of our closest and dearest friends while we began to realize the conversations we once loved being a part of, are now superficial and...

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3 Things I have learned while being a parent

Lately, the topic of parenting and spirituality has been on my mind. 


A couple of weeks ago, after working a full day of creating content and finishing up modules for my coaching program, I felt drawn to take a quick 15 minute meditation break. 


As I lit my candle and sat in front of my alter to start the process of quieting my mind, I could here teen titans blasting downstairs and my children bickering back and forth while my husband tried to separate them.


The whole time this was happening I was acutely aware of it occurring, but I still sat. I still allowed myself to be the observer. 


Soon after that noise died down, the UPS guy showed up with one of my many Amazon packages I have recently ordered. This caused my two basset hounds to completely crazy with barking and howling. Never the less, I allowed my meditation to persist. 


Why? You ask.


Because I value my connection to myself and source.

Because regardless of what...

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