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Patience brings progress.

Jun 11, 2023

Yesterday I was aggravated.


I stepped on the scale to find no change. 

Not even a half of a pound.


When I stepped of the scale, I quickly remembered the many times this type of discouragement crossed my path.


In my early 20's on Jenny Craig...

My mid and late twenties while on Weight Watchers.

The three weeks I went vegan after watching Veducated: The Documentary.


This type of disappointment has become such a natural thing on my journey and although i still find myself becoming frustrated and annoyed, there is something different this time around. 


The thing that is different is me.


You see, the emotions and frustrations of my weight loss journey are still very much the same, but it is my mindset and belief within myself that is new.


I believe that If I don't quit, I WILL end up succeeding in everything I do. This pertains to weight loss, business, and anything my heart desires.


I believe that patience brings progress. 

Even when my frustrated human side want to see results NOW.


I believe that time is going to past anyway, 

so I might as well use the time nourishing my body,

healing my body, and building my dream body.


The old me didn't think these things.

The old me allowed my frustrations to get the best of me and inevitability quit.


But not anymore.

The old Erica can't come to the phone right now...


Because she's dead.


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