
5 Tools to help you TRUST your Intuition


I cannot tell you how many times in my life I have heard the phrase "I had a feeling." or "I already knew that."

We have all said these statements, whether it be in our mind or out loud.

We have all had a inner niggle or a clear knowing of something and didn't listen to it for one reason or another.

Wanna know why?

Because we our naturally programmed to rationalize, correct, and critique.

Intuition comes when we need it.
It comes in so many different ways.

It can come in a feeling,
a clear knowing,
a turning of the stomach.

Intuition is Universal.
It is powerful.
It is within each and everyone of us.

The first step in developing your intuition,
is learning to trust it.


This doesn't come easy.

You have to battle your brain and your beliefs.

You have to trust feelings instead of facts.

You have to have unwavering faith.


Here are my 5 favorite tools that help you TRUST your Intuition!

1) Subliminals

Subliminal recordings have been a staple in all of my courses and...

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ego faith intuiton surrender trusting your gut | Posted Jun 08, 2020

"Sometimes it's not the times you decide to fight, but the times you decide to surrender, that makes all the difference."


Raise your hand if you ever experienced a hard time letting and surrendering. if your hand isn't raised you are only fooling yourself. The art of surrender is the most powerful unutitlized tool in all of existence. (Just so you know, this statement is not coming from me, it is coming from channeled information.)


As an Intuitive Development Coach and Spiritual Teacher, I've learned so much when it comes to surrendering. The most popular problem/speed bump in a persons spiritual and intuitive development is the lack of surrender. 


I mean, let's be real: having unwavering faith can be absolutely terrifying. We are essentially allowing any control we do hold to be put in the hands of the unknown, the unseen. Even my own rational, muggle mind is freaking out just thinking about it!


If you are struggling with surrendering, whether it...

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You have had countless cosmic downloads, you have intuitively picked up on people and certain situations, you have felt the presence of spirit around, but you are still doubting yourself. You are still labeling things coincedences, or just labeling yourself a “really great guesser.” Why? Why are you still stuck in the phase of your spiritual awakening where you become at war with yourself and your connection to your soul, to the universe, to all that is?


I’ll tell you the answer. It is because you are still giving too much power away to your ego. Your ego is a collection of thoughts abd beliefs we carry around.


The ego is a collection of ideas we carry around.

I am what I have

I am what I do

I am my reputation

I am separate from everybody else

I am separate from god


“Ego” is the aspects of your yourself that you consider to be “you.” A perfect example of this is a brief self-inquiry assessment.


Your ego is here to...

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What is the 'ego' ?

What is the ‘ego’?

 As much as I love the Queen B, her hit single “ego” got the concept and definition of ego totally wrong. When we think ego, we think arrogance conceit. This is just an incredibly small portion of what the ego is.

The ego is a collection of ideas we carry around.

I am what I have

I am what I do

I am my reputation

I am separate from everybody else

I am separate from god


“Ego” is the aspects of yourself that you consider to be “you.” A perfect example of this is a brief self-inquiry assessment.


Who are you? I’m Erica.

Who is Erica? Erica is a female, she is a wife, and she is a mother.

Did Erica exist before she become a wife and mother? Well.. Yes.

So then who were you before you were a wife and mother? I was Erica.

Who is Erica? She is me.

Who is me? I’m Erica. I am me.

Well, that cannot be, because I am ME too.

Are we both ME? Well you are me for you and I am me for me.

Who is me? I...

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What exactly the EGO is and 3 ways we can overcome it.

ego journal work mindset | Posted May 24, 2019

Benjamin Franklin once said, “There are three things extremely hard. Steel, a diamond, and to know ones self.”

 We think we ARE the labels we hold, but we are not. We are so much more than that. I believe it is important to understand that we are all apart of a much greater force that is unseen to the eye. This life, this personality, this person that you are is just a drop in the ocean. We have lived many lives, learned many lessons, and have overcome many obstacles.

 We limit ourselves to the smallest portion of what we can accomplish.

 I can’t work out, I don’t have time.

I can’t get that job, I’m not qualified.

I can’t date that person, they are out my league.


The truth is, our potential far greater than we give ourselves credit for.  If you stay within the ego-ic mind, with labels, negativity and fear; you are limiting your potential to just that. When you broaden your horizon and expand your consciousness,...

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5 Steps to strengthen your connection with your soul

Now a days, the term souls is loosely used. From soul mates, to soul searching - I can safely say that we are now living in a "soul" obsessed generation.

More and more people are quitting their jobs, packing up and traveling the world because it is what their soul guided them to do. More and more people are learning to trust the inner voice within them in order to manifest the life they have always dreamed of. 

If you are reading this, chances are you are craving for a deeper connection to yourself, to your soul. You want to tap into the universal secrets that you hold deep within yourself. 

Before we go any further - PLEASE remember that we are NOT humans having a spiritual experience. We are SOULS have a human experience.

You, my beautiful friend, have always been a soul. You have been on your journey since birth. You have endured some of your many lessons already. You have already connected in some way, shape, or form to your soul because YOU ARE READING THIS. 


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