
Am I Psychic? Develop Your Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Now!

I'm here to drop a massive truth bomb.

 WE ARE ALL PSYCHIC. It isn't just for the selected few that have been gifted with the gifts of fortune telling and speaking to those that have crossed over in this lifetime. Being psychic, intuitive, or mediumistic is not something that is passed down from generation to generation.
WE ALL HAVE THE ABILITY TO EXPAND OUR AWARENESS. Which, is exactly what being psychic is! Expanded consciousness.

Take it from me. Nobody in my family has ever claimed to be "psychic."

This spiritual gift I have was not passed down for 5 generations.

This "gift" is within all of us.

It is up to us if we want to strengthen it.


When I started diving into my spiritual and psychic development, I questioned myself ALOT. Like a whole lot. I put myself against these insane standards. Yet, through it all and my my understand of what it actually means to be "psychic" or "intuitive" I have found these 5 core ideas/tools to be the most potent and...

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The Best Spiritual Awakening Books That You Need To Buy Now

Are you a newcomer to spirituality or a spiritual seeker? There are spiritual awakening books for everyone, no matter where you are on your spiritual path. Spiritual awakenings can take years for some people, while they can happen immediately for others. 


We all need guidance along our journey, so why not read books?

What is a spiritual awakening? 


A Spiritual Awakening is one's summon to a higher state of consciousness and mental awareness. Personal discovery and a shift in one's worldview occur due to spiritual awakening. A transformation in one's conceptual framework occurs when one experiences a spiritual awakening. 


Spirituality vs Religion


Spirituality and religion are often confused, even though they are not quite the same thing. Spirituality is an experience that goes far beyond our formal existence. In contrast, religion is an institutional belief in a specific god or gods.


This means that you can be spiritually awakened...

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You are made for more.


There was a time not that long ago that I couldn't tell you my favorite things. I couldn't share with you my hobbies or how I enjoyed my free time. 


I didn't know the characteristics of myself that made me special,

or the things that made me, me.


I was merely getting by, doing all of the things I was told I should be doing, and giving all my energy and love away to everyone around me. 


I spent 30 years being this person, and yet I was total stranger to myself.


My cup was empty.


Looking back now, those sad and lonely times were the catalyst to my evolution, which then led me down the path of spiritual and personal development and healing.

To make a long story short, I started a daily meditation practice which then led me down the path to psychic and mediumship development. I started offering psychic and mediumship readings back in 2018 and then started offering psychic and mediumship development classes.

I found my purpose in showing...

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Developing Intuition

developing intuition spiritual growth | Posted Aug 06, 2021

Meta Description: Intuition is your sixth sense. While not that strong in most people, you can strengthen your intuition by applying a few tools and techniques.

Intuition is the superpower you may have never known you had. Just like your other senses, your intuitive sixth sense can help you navigate life more easily. Every one of us has intuition but not everyone has tapped into its full potential and power. 

If you would like to strengthen your intuition, here are 5 ways you can activate your internal guidance:


To tap into your intuition, you will have to strengthen your connection with your inner being. Regularly meditating, especially practicing mindfulness meditation, will help you clear away distracting thoughts that usually get in the way of your inner being speaking to you in the subtle way that it does.

Listen to Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are created due to two different frequencies being played, one in each ear, which then create a third tone. By doing...

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This morning I woke up with an intuitive knowing that I had to talk to write about this particular subject. 

Spiritual Development.

If you are reading this right now you most likely want to strengthen your natural psychic gifts, empathic traits, intuition, mediumship, connection with your guides, ect.. ect.. And I'm glad you are here because this pep talk and these tips are going to help you.


If there is anything I can say that I am an 'expert' in, it is psychic/intuitive development. 


From the day I finally admitted to myself that I was a Psychic Medium, it took exactly 56 days for me to have my first paying client. But I'm going to let you in on a little secret... I WENT ALL IN.

Like, ALL IN.

I didn't look at this like a hobby, I looked at it like I KNEW this was supposed to be part of my journey. I committed to it, I became an engaged student. I invested in development and in mentors and teachers. I fell in love with this work and living my life...

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A thank you to everyone who has wronged me.



Thank you to the kid in my 7th grade class that made up a nasty rumor about me and then proceeded to tell all of the popular kids about it. The rumor and commotion around it got so bad I became suicidal and needed to be put into a mental health facility to cope with these thoughts and depression. If it weren’t for you, I would never have known how much emotional turmoil I could endure.


Thank you to the staff of my middle school that tolerated the bullying and peer abuse I was victim of. Thank you for labeling me the problem and thinking it best for me to be sent to an alternative school rather than face the problem in a diplomatic way and teach my abusers how inappropriate their actions were. If it wasn’t for your lack of action – I never would have created my strong desire to stand up for the underdog.


Thank you to the girl who stuffed a note in my locker with a stick figure of me hanging myself with the caption ‘KILL YOURSELF...

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A light workers opinion on judgement.

“The ego cannot survive without judgement”

-A Course in Miracles


Like most people, I used to feel superior over others. Whether it was someone of a lesser moral compass, a spider that was inhabiting my home, or someone whom our beliefs and values were not copesthetic; I judged. I created an opinion about this person or thing and then decided that we were not equal and that I was superior. Judgement is natural. Whether you believe yourself to be a judgmental being or not – you judge. Our egos have made it this way. Just like how we categorize ourselves with labels, we do the same thing to others.


We call a woman who wears tight dresses and has an active sex life a slut.

We call a father who does not pay child support and does not see his children a dead-beat dad.

We a call a child who behaves and listens to adults a good kid.

We a call a mother who takes care of her children and has patience a good mom.


Whether the label be positive or negative,...

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What is the 'ego' ?

What is the ‘ego’?

 As much as I love the Queen B, her hit single “ego” got the concept and definition of ego totally wrong. When we think ego, we think arrogance conceit. This is just an incredibly small portion of what the ego is.

The ego is a collection of ideas we carry around.

I am what I have

I am what I do

I am my reputation

I am separate from everybody else

I am separate from god


“Ego” is the aspects of yourself that you consider to be “you.” A perfect example of this is a brief self-inquiry assessment.


Who are you? I’m Erica.

Who is Erica? Erica is a female, she is a wife, and she is a mother.

Did Erica exist before she become a wife and mother? Well.. Yes.

So then who were you before you were a wife and mother? I was Erica.

Who is Erica? She is me.

Who is me? I’m Erica. I am me.

Well, that cannot be, because I am ME too.

Are we both ME? Well you are me for you and I am me for me.

Who is me? I...

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My love of books has fueled me most of my life. Some of my most cherished memories were sitting in my room, being totally engulfed by a great book. Since jumping on my spiritual journey – I have now more than ever relied on books to help inspire, guide, and teach me.
Below is a list of some of the best books I have read under the spirituality umbrella. 
 I hope this list will help you on your journey and to know that sometimes when we have questions; it is always an option to ‘hit the books!’
Before you go running to your local bookseller, I also wanted to share a website I came across that has saved me oodles of money in my book addiction.
It is called and I AM A FAN!!
The books on this website range from new, all the way to gently used books for a fraction of retail prices as well as FREE SHIPPING for orders over $10 or more! Say whhhhaaaaaattt.

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