
The Roots Create The Fruits

Today I hosted the first day of a 2 day weekend workshop.


I'm still processing what transpired as I type this. The healing that took place inside the sacred container was mind blowing. During the workshop, the weather in my neck of the woods began to storm. 


Rain began coming down, the whistle of the winds began to sound like sirens, and the tall trees that were right outside my window began to sway back and forth. 


I watched as the last Autumn leaves on the branches began to fall and be whisked away by the powerful force of the wind. 


I watched as the branches of my favorite Japanese Maple got pulled in all different directions. The whistle of the winds began to make me to a place of worry. 


"I hope it it's okay" I thought to myself.


After the workshop ended, I went outside to ground and made my way to the tree. Although most of the leaves had fallen, the tree itself was still intact. 

When I stood close to the...

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5 ways to tap into feminine energy.

We have been brought up in a world where feminine energy was the weaker one. A world where a strong women is labeled as a tight ass or a bitch. A women who embraces her sensuality is labeled loose or a slut. A women who is an active participant in sports or physical activity is butch or a tomboy.

This culture we live in doesn't understand the power and magnitutude of the divine feminine. It laughs at it. Shakes its head in disbelief. Yet, it is hippocritial. Every single one of us was birthed from the divine feminine, through our mothers womb. Females hold an untapped potential.

We hold the power to create. 

We hold the power to receive.

We hold the power to change the world.

The energy of life is divided into both masculine and feminine. There cannot be one without the other. 

In order to manifest we need to 

1) Take action (masculine)

2) Receive (feminine)

Here are 5 ways you can tap into your feminine power:


Yes. it is that simple. embrace your...

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